Anxiety, Panic & PhobiasThe Young Minds
The Young Mind: an essential guide for parents, teachers and young adults. Order your discount copy from us - 20% off.
Readable and well-researched information for the public.
For anyone who is worried about themselves, a friend or a relative.
Anxiety, panic and phobias: our main leaflet
Anxiety and Phobias: a leaflet for carers and professionals.
Coping With Trauma: helpful information for anyone experiencing trauma
Shyness and Social Phobia
Anxiety, Panic and Phobias: key facts - a short version of our main leaflet
Smoking and mental health
Exercise and mental health
Reading about self-help
Phobias and panic disorder - a review of self help books (subscription required)
What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy?
Complementary and Alternative Medicines 1: Herbal remedies & supplements
Children and young people
Worries and anxieties - helping children to cope: what parents and teachers need to know
An extensive recommended reading list of books aimed at children, young people and parents.
Related topics
Anxiety: an informative leaflet challenging our attitudes towards people with an anxiety disorder
En Français
La Thérapie Cognitivo-Comportementale (TCC)
Les Antidepresseurs
Chinese version
Anxiety and Phobias
Social Phobias
What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy?
Urdu, Urdu
Anxiety & phobias
Books for the public
The Mind: A User's Guide. An accessible, jargon-free reference book designed to educate, inform and empower anyone who has an interest in safeguarding or improving their mental health.
A 2007 survey of self-help books
Books for professionals
Prevention of Anxiety and Depression in Vulnerable Groups: provides practical preventive strategies for prevention of anxiety and depression occurring in adults in the community